Common Questions and Answers of Aspiring Pilots

Common Questions and Answers of Aspiring Pilots


Oftentimes, employers leverage interviews to understand why you need the job they’re offering. Also, they use it to measure your physical ability to undertake that particular job. Lastly, they use it to determine why you’re the best candidate for that job. On that note, here are common questions and answers of Aspiring Pilots:

What are the defining features of a good professional pilot?

  •     Employs systematic approach,
  •     Stick to the company’s procedures
  •     Willingness to be trained and develop advanced skills 
  •     Ability to be decisive during critical situations. 
  •     Punctuality

Why must a pilot be fluent in more than one language?

The question wants you to highlight the key benefits of effective communication skills as a pilot. And that’s because many accidents have happened before due to poor communication. Nowadays, pilots must prove their fluency in communicating through English as an ICAO requirement. 

Tell us something about our airline?

This question is meant to reveal your interest in the job you’ve applied for. Therefore, did you take time to read about that company, the goals, mission statement, and other important details? If you don’t, they’ll discover that through these questions. And the worst-case scenario is that you’ll not get the job. Some of the things you can learn about them include:

  •     Their rivals
  •     Recent news about the company
  •     Industry threats 
  •     Overview of their financial performance
  •     Bases
  •     Destinations
  •     Type of aircraft they have
  •     Their fleet size
  •     History
  •     Key people like the directors, CFO, CEO, and others 

Where do you want to be in five years?

The interviewer wants to learn if you have career goals. Oftentimes, employers are looking for ambitious people because of their relentless quest for success. Also, you could tie your answer to the goals of the business. But for this step to be a success you need a comprehensive understanding of that particular company. 

As a pilot, what would you do during emergencies?

You should be able to demonstrate your management skills during an emergency. And to answer this question well, you should highlight and expand three main points, communicate, navigate, and aviate.

  •     Aviate: refers to maintaining the plane in the air flying
  •     Navigate: steering the plane to a safe space
  •     Communicate: contact air support to seek instruction or help on the next course of action. 

Why do you have a gap in these places?

This shouldn’t worry you that much because it must have taken you time to secure your first job. And it’s a genuine reason with no call for concern. While that’s so, it’s important to identify constructive activities you were doing during this time. It could be any of the following:

  •     Mentoring juniors 
  •     Attending various aviation events 
  •     Volunteer work at the community level
  •     Perfecting your skills through the simulator 

Do you have questions?

At the end of the interview, the interviewer will ask you this question. Please note, it’s important to ask two or more questions. To scoop a point here, ensure you choose questions that show you were attentive and have mastered the company’s goal. Also, you can refer to earlier points of the interviewer. 

Getting Started 

As an aspiring pilot, it’s important to master the questions above among others. Since some of them are industry-specific, it’s important to research about that company before going for an interview. To those who are still searching for the best flight school to join, contact Airlink Flight School. Thanks to their reputation, flight safety, and collection of reliable training planes, you’ll get the best experience.