Do You Need an Instrument Rating?

Do You Need an Instrument Rating?


As a private pilot or as a student studying for your private pilot’s license, you may be wondering about getting your instrument rating. Earning your instrument rating offers you a number of benefits including allowing you to fly during low visibility conditions causes by weather and other factors, including heavy cloud cover. Obtaining your instrument rating can help you be a safer pilot and keep you in the air rather than on the ground when you want to fly, and the weather is not cooperating. Let’s take a closer look at the instrument rating and all the benefits it provides you as a private pilot.

Instrument Rating Requirements

To get your instrument rating, you will first need to have your private pilot license. Once you do, you can complete your instrument flight training requirements. The requirements include 30 hours of dual instruction, pre and post flight instruction, and ground school, all followed up by your successful completion of the instrument rating written examination. In addition to greater safety for your and your passengers, having your instrument rating offers a number of other benefits.

The Advantages of Being a Pilot with an Instrument Rating

The advantages of being a private pilot with an instrument rating, as mentioned, provides a greater level of safety for you and your passengers, and gets you in the air more often, even during low visibility conditions. Here are some other advantages your instrument rating delivers:

Superior Pre-Flight Planning

As a pilot with your instrument rating, you are better prepared with a superior flight plan compared to private pilots who don’t have instrument training. Your extensive instrument training helps you with the needed adjustments when flight deviations are required, as well as the inevitable fuel stops and other variables you may encounter on any given flight.

Enhanced Weather Intuitiveness/Preparedness

Private pilots with instrument ratings are more in tune with weather conditions and patterns enhancing their ability to anticipate changing conditions. Because instrument training includes intensive instruction in weather theory and reporting, pilots with instrument ratings have the ability to identify frontal passages, thunderstorms, and more. In addition, with an instrument rating, pilots, like you, are better prepared for the limitations which come from flying into IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions) where decreased visibility is coupled with clouds and changing weather conditions.

Increased Accuracy and Professionalism

With your instrument rating, you gain an increased level of accuracy and the ability to think “steps ahead” with greater confidence. Instrument training provides increase knowledge and expertise in your technique from pitch to altitude, power changes to airspeed, and more. This, plus your ability to think ahead, delivers advantages including enhanced safety and confidence for you and your passengers. As a professional pilot, equipped with an instrument rating, you are better qualified in traffic, with a greater level of understanding, not only of technology, but terminology and accuracy.

Get Started with Your Instrument Training Today at AirLink Flight School

Today is the ideal time to start your training toward your instrument rating at AirLink Flight School. At AirLink, the flight training professionals will train you, as a private pilot, for your instrument rating and safe and skillful flight in low or no visibility conditions. In addition, earning your instrument rating means you can move forward toward your commercial pilot’s license training if you so desire.

At AirLink Flight School, you gain the advantage of year-round training, with two locations to serve you – Florida and Maine. The experienced instructors at AirLink will provide the best in aviation education available as well as extensive opportunities once your training is successfully completed.

Start your training today in Instrument Rating – FAR Part 61 which features flight instruction, pre and post flight instruction, and ground school, along with all the training materials needed for your successful completion of the program. Call today.