Flight Bag Necessities

Flight Bag Necessities


Once you select the right flight bag you can find, it is time to pack it with all the necessary tools you will need to fly. Whether you are a seasoned pilot or a brand-new student pilot, it is essential to have the right gear in your flight bag. And while every airline pilot has a personal preference on what to pack in the flight bag, there are a few important items that will come in handy on any flight. To ensure you are well prepared, here are the top-flight bag necessities of what should go into every pilot’s flight bag.

A Kneeboard

A kneeboard helps pilots keep notes, charts, and other materials within quick reach. Most kneeboards always have clips to keep charts in place and also a strap to secure it around your thigh. Kneeboards come in various types from a collapsible type that can hold tablets and cell phones to a simple flat board.


As a pilot, carrying an aviation headset is a must. Your headsets are the primary means of communication during a flight. Best aviation headsets are made with a stainless-steel headband for noise reduction, durability, ear seal with comfortable foam, and high-performance audio speakers. Ensure you also pack a few spare batteries for your aviation headset in your pilot flight bag.

Non-Polarizing Sunglasses

Sunglasses are a valuable tool when flying during the day. Flying with sunglasses is important to help maintain visibility and reduce eye fatigue. Ensure you purchase glasses advertised as right for aviation use. Aviation sunglasses must also be non-polarized to help you see readings from instruments that have anti-glare filters.

Aviation Radio

While every airplane has an onboard radio, communication is way too vital not to carry a backup. In case your radio goes out during the flight, having a handheld two-way radio could make all the difference. For this reason, it is always important for every pilot to have their own handheld two-way radio.

Fuel Tester

Examining fuel quality is one of the most critical items in the airline pilot’s pre-flight checklist. This is a simple process. A pilot just needs to drain a small amount of the fuel and check for solid contaminants or water. Many fuel testers are practical and small and won’t take much space in your flight bag


A high-quality flashlight is another important tool to add to your flight bag. You could use it during daytime or nighttime to shed light on what you are checking during pre-flight and post-flight inspections.

Pilot Certificate and Medical

As a pilot, you can’t fly legally without your plot certificate, photo identification, and, if required, medical certificate. It is important to make sure these documents are easily accessible in your flight bag. This is not an important part of your gear but it is a legal requirement.


Logbooks, supplemental documents, and navigational charts are no longer carried by the pilot. Instead, they are digitally stored, and you can access them via mobile. For this purpose, you need an iPad in your flight bag. Logbooks are always important because they help you keep a record of your flight details and flying hours. The Chart Supplements always include the forty-eight lower states, then divided into areas with facility descriptions (city/state)

Airlink Flight School

Preparation is a value that all pilots should learn in aviation training. Airlink Flight School provides various commercial training programs that assist commercial pilots prepare for the aviation industry. If you are thinking of joining a career in aviation, make sure you check out Airlink Flight School. For more information, visit our website at airlinkflightschool.com.