Getting Back into Flying

Getting Back into Flying


Have you ever heard the term: “once a pilot, always a pilot”? Well, this is in fact a true statement. Whether you have made the decision yourself to take a bit of a break from flying or if life decided to throw you a bit of a curveball, you can always get back to the activity you once enjoyed: flying. However, if you find yourself worrying about what it may take to get back into flying, you are not alone. There are plenty of pilots who have been in the same headspace you are currently finding yourself in, and that is okay. In this article, we will be going over everything you need to know to feel more confident about getting back into flying.

First things first, you may already be aware of the fact that pilot certificates never expire. Therefore, you do not need to worry about going back to school or re-taking any of those exams. With that being said, what is it that you actually do need to ease back into flying?

  1. First, you will need your biennial flight review, no problem.
  2. Next, you will need a quick brush-up with your local CFI, simple.
  3. Lastly, you will need to have a minimum of one hour in flight in order to test your competence once more.
  4. Now, you are officially ready to fly again.

Now that we have successfully covered the simple steps to refresh your proficiency when it comes to flying, we will also need to go over a few of the medical requirements as these may have changed during your absence. So, what does this inquire you may ask; do not worry, for we have all the answers for you below:

  1. An assessment of personal health and fitness. In other words, it may be time to schedule that physical you may have been avoiding with your family doctor. Due to the fact that rules are ever-changing as time goes on, conditions that may have been unacceptable in the past may no longer be an automatic disqualification today.
  2. Pilots may now also be required to complete a medical education course.
  3. A new policy states that pilots must undergo a medical examination every four years.

Due to the fact that medical requirements have been changing, it may also be important for a returning pilot to be up to date on every other change that may have happened during their time of leave. Again, though pilot certificates never expire, this does not mean you have an easy pass to simply get back into the air. It is your responsibility as an airline pilot to be aware of all the regulatory changes and be prepared for any new ones. This way, you may also come while you are back on the team. Therefore, if you are a pilot who wants to get back up in the air, it is important that you do your duty and read up on Special Flight Rules Areas as well as Flight Restricted Zones and Temporary Flight Restrictions. As you may already be aware, Temporary Flight Restrictions or TFRs can always come unexpectedly, so it is important to always be prepared for this as well.

Even if it seems like many things have changed, do not let this discourage you from something that was once your biggest passion. If you have been finding yourself reading up on being a pilot once again, or maybe you have already started on “re-learning” these new compliances and procedures, you are definitely ready to get up in the air once again. For more information on flight school, contact AirLink Flight School today!