The Routine of a Commercial Pilot

The Routine of a Commercial Pilot


Many people dream about being people when they complete their studies. And the thought of flying across the globe makes them even more anxious. If you’re on that boat, you’re not alone. However, do you know what it’s like to be a commercial pilot? Specifically, do you know the routine of a commercial pilot? In this article, you’ll have a glimpse of the commercial pilot lifestyle and what their routine entails: 

Pilot Schedule

To learn about the routine of a commercial pilot starts with knowing what their schedule looks like. When you’re a pilot, note, your schedule doesn’t follow the 9 to 5 rules of a day job. And that one of the benefits of getting into this career is flexibility when it comes to working schedule. That means you’ll have the best work-life balance thanks to significant time off-duty. 

On average, pilots accumulate about 100 hours on flight monthly and less than 1000 hours annually. And this is because one needs to be in great shape when flying the plane. ‘Cause the life of passengers and crew is on their hands. As a result, pilots have a significant amount of time to recover between flights. 

And the more ranks you gain flying, the more control and flexibility you’ll have on your working schedule. When you’re finally a senior, you have control over the trips to take and also days to go off-duty. What’s more, you also have more days off-duty than the junior pilots. 

Besides Flying, What Other Things Do Pilots Do?

When you become a pilot, there’s a protocol to follow before flying the plane. And these protocols or duties include:

  •     Flight plan review

The flight plan contains essential details like the point of departure, final destination, altitudes, and flight route. Also, it mentions how many passengers are on the plane. Therefore, before taking off, the pilot has to review the entire flight plan. 

  •     Weather briefing

Weather is a critical factor when it comes to taking off and landing the plane. Therefore, the pilot must have a weather briefing on both the current location and the final destination. Information from weather briefing may lead to a change of route or cancellation of the flight by the flight. Therefore, this is a step they must look into at all costs. 

  •     Pre-flight inspections

A general inspection of the flight is another protocol that the pilot must follow before taking off. Through the inspection of the plane, they can have a rough idea if the plane is in good shape for takeoff. And if they identify any potential problem, it must be resolved right away. The step will involve reviewing the crucial plane equipment and systems. 

  •     Meeting your flight crew

Oftentimes the first step is the pilot meeting their crew. The crew comprises flight attendants, co-pilot, and cabin crew. The meeting entails introductions and reading the paperwork. Since communication is a vital aspect of aviation, the pilot must establish a friendly atmosphere with the flight crew. 

What Happens When the Pilot is Off-Duty?

As stated earlier on, pilots’ working schedule is the most flexible. Therefore, their time off-duty can be longer. As such, here are some of the things one can do if you’re a pilot in this situation: 

  •     Resting and recovering 
  •     Venturing into the cities they’re in
  •     Tracking and staying up to date on their hobbies
  •     Travel for leisure 
  •     Meeting and bonding with family members

Final Take

Are you impressed by the routine of a commercial pilot? Well, contact Airlink Flight School and turn your dream into a reality. It only takes a simple registration to start your career in this field and fulfill your dream.