What Will I Learn in Flight School?

What Will I Learn in Flight School?


A lot of people dream of becoming a pilot one day, but never really consider all of the things they will need to learn first. Whether it’s through training, studying, or even just a mindset change.

Here at Airlink Flight School, training is structured within a fast-paced program to get you qualified for piloting commercial planes. Every day during your training program, you will live, breathe, and think aviation. Within that, here are some of the things you will learn.

6 Things You’ll Learn in Flight School

#1. All About Basic Aircraft Controls

To properly be able to fly an airplane, you’ll need to know the aircraft like the palm of your hand. During your training, you’ll learn to recognize external components such as the cockpit, engines, oil system, electrical systems, and the fuel system. This will be some of the first things you will learn before you ever take control of the aircraft yourself.

#2. Basic Aeromedical & Aerodynamic Information

Atmospheric pressure can have varying effects on people. As part of your training, you need to learn aeromedical knowledge to be able to properly react in a medical emergency in the air. Additionally, you need to keep yourself healthy while piloting airplanes to ensure you can maintain the safety of your passengers and crew during each flight.

#3. Navigation & Flight Planning

While there are a lot of technological advances that allow an airplane to automatically adjust for outside signals and weather, it’s imperative that as a commercial pilot you understand how to visually read the correct radar, computer signals, and magnetic compass readings on your own. Because you can never know when something will break or malfunction, having a backup plan can ensure you don’t freeze under the surprise.

#4. Standard Flight Maneuvers

Standard flight maneuvers include getting the aircraft onto and off of a landing strip and adjusting for wind and storms. It will also include things like following traffic patterns, performing climbing turns, avoiding crashes, adjusting speeds, handling equipment breakdowns, and flying straight. After your training, you will be able to perform these maneuvers with ease.

#5. A Little Bit of Meteorology

Weather can play a very important factor in how a flight will be executed. To be properly prepared, your commercial flight training will help you learn how to read cloud formations, humidity and wind changes, as well as upcoming storm hazards. Knowing the upcoming weather (especially during a cross-country trip) can tell you whether you will need to fly around an area or adjust altitude.

#6. The Confidence & Expertise Needed in a Commercial Pilot

Confidence comes with experience, and that’s one of the main goals of going through flight training. Without being confident in the skills you’ve learned, you’ll never be able to pilot a craft like a pro. At flight schools like Airlink, the instructors know how important it is that you trust in yourself as much as your passengers put their trust in you.

Other Things You Will Learn in Flight School & Where to Apply for Training

As a commercial pilot, you’ll learn so much more than what we’ve listed above. Training will include classroom studying and testing as well as simulators and actual flight training.

There’s a lot of commercial training programs for you to choose from, but few have the same track record or quality instructors as Airlink Flight School. Your training is unique for you with personalized one-on-one learning. After going through our commercial pilot program, you will feel completely prepared and confident in the skills you’ve learned to take you as far in the commercial industry as you’ve dreamed of.