Benefits of Flight School in Florida

Benefits of Flight School in Florida

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If you have a passion to become a pilot, you are probably searching for the best flight school to attend. Now the question is; where is the best region or location to take your flight classes? Well, Florida is the answer. Florida is known as the sunshine state for a reason. And it’s among one of the many reasons why you should attend a flight school there. In addition, here are other benefits of flight school in Florida: Better Infrastructure …

What to Look for in a Flight School

What to Look for in a Flight School

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The type of training institution you attend can either make or break you. And flight school is an institution that requires significant investment, it’s not a place to gamble. If you make any bad decisions, that could be the end of your career and the loss of a significant investment. Literally, there are thousands of flight institutions to choose from in the world. And being a new person in this industry doesn’t help your situation.  If anything, it’s tough to …

Common Questions and Answers of Aspiring Pilots

Common Questions and Answers of Aspiring Pilots

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Oftentimes, employers leverage interviews to understand why you need the job they’re offering. Also, they use it to measure your physical ability to undertake that particular job. Lastly, they use it to determine why you’re the best candidate for that job. On that note, here are common questions and answers of Aspiring Pilots: What are the defining features of a good professional pilot?     Employs systematic approach,     Stick to the company’s procedures     Willingness to be …

Why Florida is the Best State to Consider Flight Lessons

Why Florida is the Best State to Consider Flight Lessons

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For you to become a pilot, entails gaining flying hours that provide real-life experience. At least forty hours of flying time is required for you to become a private pilot, half of which must be with an instructor on board. This means choosing an aviation school with great airfields and great instructors. The reason why most people are so obsessed with Florida as an aviation destination is simple: just like California is to movies, Florida is to aviation. Below are …

Flight Bag Necessities

Flight Bag Necessities

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Once you select the right flight bag you can find, it is time to pack it with all the necessary tools you will need to fly. Whether you are a seasoned pilot or a brand-new student pilot, it is essential to have the right gear in your flight bag. And while every airline pilot has a personal preference on what to pack in the flight bag, there are a few important items that will come in handy on any flight. …