Private vs. Commercial Pilots – Training, Salary, & Duties

Private vs. Commercial Pilots – Training, Salary, & Duties


Ever since the dawn of humanity, people have had the yearning to take to the skies and soar above the earth with the birds. However, up until recent years, this was an elusive dream that they could never truly accomplish. These days getting your pilot’s license is one of the best ways to help ensure that you’re always surrounded by clouds. If you’ve been considering getting either your commercial or private pilot license, then here’s what you need to know. …

Traits and Skills Pilots Must Have

Traits and Skills Pilots Must Have


Ever thought about becoming a pilot? Many have dreamed at one point or another about taking to the skies, but there is more to becoming a pilot than just learning how to fly. As the pilot, you are responsible for the lives of your crew and passengers as much as your own, so possessing the right qualities and skills is essential to becoming a pilot.  Possessing these characteristics is important as it will ensure you and your crew take off …

Selecting A Flight School – 3 Things To Keep In Mind

Selecting A Flight School – 3 Things To Keep In Mind


As a pilot, you will make many important decisions throughout your professional career. Among them, one of the most important which will directly impact your career is which flight school to attend. While there are many flight schools throughout the United States, they each offer a different experience that may not always cater to every individual, so it is important to do your research and find the perfect school for yourself.  With that in mind, here are three key tips …

Tips On Cracking Airline Interviews

Tips On Cracking Airline Interviews


So, you have just graduated from flight school and have begun your hunt for a job with various commercial airlines. Now, you might think that because you have the qualifications, a job should not be difficult to come by. Unfortunately, as with any other career, a great job opportunity is not going to be given to you.  If you want to be competitive with other candidates who are applying for the same positions, you must prepare yourself for your airline …

Career As a Commercial Pilot: Benefits, Scope, and Courses

Career As a Commercial Pilot: Benefits, Scope, and Courses


Have you ever thought you might want to be a commercial pilot but had no idea where to start or what an aviation career would look like? Being a commercial pilot takes an immense amount of training and dedication until you get your certifications to fly, but it can be a rewarding career worth pursuing!  If you were wondering what a career as a commercial pilot looks like and what all the perks are, here are some of the benefits …