What to Know About Working in Aviation

What to Know About Working in Aviation


Are you thinking of pursuing a career in Aviation? If so, you have come to the right place for in this article we will be going over everything you need to know about working in aviation. We will be covering topics such as how you can make a career out of your hobby as well as what it takes to work in aviation and, of course, all of the perks that come with working in this industry overall. For more …

Getting Back into Flying

Getting Back into Flying


Have you ever heard the term: “once a pilot, always a pilot”? Well, this is in fact a true statement. Whether you have made the decision yourself to take a bit of a break from flying or if life decided to throw you a bit of a curveball, you can always get back to the activity you once enjoyed: flying. However, if you find yourself worrying about what it may take to get back into flying, you are not alone. …

Flying During Hurricane Season

Flying During Hurricane Season


When hurricane season comes creeping around the corner, how can pilots, and airline passengers, stay safe? The weather can be unpredictable, however, you are not to worry, for airline pilots are trained to fly even in the most difficult of weather. During their training, pilots are trained to make decisions to best protect their airline passengers as well as their entire airline crew and aircraft itself. With that being said, depending on just how dangerous the predicted hurricane may be, …

The Benefits of Attending Flight School in Florida

The Benefits of Attending Flight School in Florida


Are you interested in becoming a pilot? If flying is your passion, then you should begin your search for the best flight schools so that you can get yourself up in the air quickly. Now the question is, what is the best location for flying? The answer is Florida, of course. Florida has earned its title of “The Sunshine State” which makes it one of the many reasons it has some of the best flight schools around. With that being …

What You Should Know About Becoming a Pilot

What You Should Know About Becoming a Pilot


If you have found yourself thinking about becoming a pilot, you have an exciting journey ahead of you. There are many benefits in store when choosing the career of a pilot. These benefits include travel, a sufficient salary, good health benefits, flexible work, unbeatable views, and more. However, what does it take to become a pilot? Here are a few things you should know about becoming a pilot. The Requirements of Becoming a Pilot The first thing you will need …