Five Characteristic Traits Pilots Must Avoid

Five Characteristic Traits Pilots Must Avoid


The chance to work as a commercial or airline pilot is a chance many would relish, which is why you need to prepare yourself now to set yourself up for success later on. While becoming a pilot involves a high degree of training and schooling along the way, other elements such as personality and work ethic make up a big part in whether airlines or commercial companies will want to hire you as a pilot.  If you are unsure how …

Florida Weather Flying Tips

Florida Weather Flying Tips


If you are starting your career in aviation, growing familiar with your environment and the usual weather patterns is crucial to learning to be a safe and reliable pilot. Being able to quickly identify and respond to shifts in the weather is a vital skill and one that could make the difference between being a good pilot and a poor one–which is important if you want to fly commercially.  For those beginning the journey in aviation who call Florida their …

Florida Flight Training : A Worthy Investment?

Florida Flight Training : A Worthy Investment?


While becoming a pilot might be a dream you have had since you were young, when the time comes to pick a flight school, you may have some second thoughts about investing in it as a career. The reality is that becoming a pilot and earning your certifications is a costly and time-consuming endeavor, making it a considerable investment that you might not be so sure of yet.  And that is okay: it is only natural to think carefully about …

What Is Crew Resource Management?

What Is Crew Resource Management?


If you are interested in becoming a pilot and working for a commercial airline, you may have heard of Crew Resource Management (CRM) before. If not, it is essentially the effective use of any resources available for the flight crew to ensure safe and efficient operations to minimize errors and reduce stress or anxiety during operations.  This involves extensive training procedures to promote teamwork, decision-making skills, problem-solving, and situational awareness for flight crews, cabin crews, air traffic control, and maintenance …

Can Pilots Wear Glasses

Can Pilots Wear Glasses


You may have heard before that to be a pilot, having perfect eyesight is a necessary prerequisite. If you have less than ideal vision, this may have discouraged you from pursuing a career as a commercial airline pilot. The good news is that this is simply not true. Believe it or not, pilots are not superhumans, and many of them do not have 20/20 vision.  That said, there are vision benchmarks that you must meet to receive certification as a …